12 Car entry - Pay now

Thanks for submitting your entry to our 12 car event.

To complete your entry please pay using:

Credit / debit card or by Paypal account.

Fee Summary:

£10 - Entry fee (use your own insurance)

£40 - Entry fee with the event insurance scheme

£18 - SHMC Single membership

£23 - SHMC Household membership - members living at the same address.

NOTE: You will need to inform us of the additional names on the form below.

We look forward to seeing you on the night!


Entry Fee options:

With or without Insurance

Select entry fee option

SHMC Membership options

Single - £18

Household - £23  (add names)

Select Membership type
Household: Enter names here
View Cart and Pay



Page updated: 05/12/2023 

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