

Thanks for calling in at our website!

SHMC Member Adrian Brown enjoying his membership!

Why not get involved and join the club? You'll receive a Membership card and a monthly magazine which keeps club members informed of members antics on rallies, etc and events that the club organises.

Why join?

  • Legal and Safe environment away from "street scene"
  • Access to all types of motorsport events
  • Be part of a group of like minded people
  • Fun!
  • Get involved helping other Motor Clubs on their events
  • Technical help
  • We have an active and experienced Committee
  • Treasure hunts and other family events

We are part of the Association of South West Motor Clubs - download a list of clubs here

It is £18 for a single member or £23 for "Household" membership.

Membership Year: 1 November - 31 October.

NOTE: If you join from 1 August your membership will be valid until 31 October the FOLLOWING year (up to 15 months!)

IMPORTANT: Please take time to read the "Best Practice Guidelines on the use of Social Media" and our Privacy Policy

You can download a form and mail it with your cheque HERE, or complete the form below and pay with a debit/credit/PayPal after submission.

Kindly note that in can take up to 10 -14 days to receive your Club Membership card so please do not leave it to the last minute to renew / join if you need it for a specific event.



After joining you will receive your Membership Card(s) within 10 - 14 days and the next issue of Chequered Flag magazine - usually printed during the first or second week of the month.



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